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Neglecting your obligations under UAE Labour Law could cost you thousands. Whether you’re an employer or an employee, knowing your rights & responsibilities is crucial to avoid hefty fines and legal troubles. The UAE has stringent rules in place, and understanding these UAE Labour Law Obligations can save you from potential pitfalls. Dive into this blog to know more about whether your employer or employee is not obligating to his duties.
Employer’s Obligations Under UAE Labour Law
Article (13) of the UAE Labour Law specifies a range of responsibilities that employers must fulfill to ensure the welfare of their employees and compliance with legal standards. Here’s a breakdown of these obligations that your boss must be following:
1. Maintaining Employee Records
Employers are required to keep comprehensive files and records of their workers as per the Ministry’s conditions. These records must be retained for at least two years after the worker’s end of service.
2. Handling Official Documents
Employers must not withhold the official documents of the worker or force them to leave the UAE at the end of their employment relationship.
3. Organizing Work Regulations
Employers must provide clear rules regarding work organization, including instructions, penalties, promotions, and rewards, as specified by the Implementing Regulation.
4. Providing Accommodation
Employers must offer proper accommodation licensed by the competent authorities or provide an accommodation allowance included in the wage.
5. Investing in Skill Development
Employers should invest in the development of their workers’ skills by providing training, qualification, and empowerment tools and programs.
6. Ensuring Safety and Health
Employers are responsible for protecting workers from occupational risks by providing necessary preventive measures, training, and periodic evaluations to ensure compliance with health and safety standards.
7. Informing Workers of Their Rights
Employers must ensure that workers are aware of their rights and obligations at work using appropriate tools and methods.
8. Bearing Medical Costs
Employers are responsible for covering the costs of the worker’s medical care in accordance with UAE legislation.
9. Covering Insurance and Contributions
Employers must bear the expenses of insurance, contributions, and guarantees as defined by the legislation in force.
10. Prohibiting Dual Employment
Employers must not allow workers to work for other employers unless it complies with the provisions of the law.
11. Providing Experience Certificates
Upon request, employers must issue a certificate of experience without fees, detailing the worker’s employment duration, job title, last wage, and reason for contract termination.
12. Bearing Repatriation Expenses
Employers must bear the repatriation expenses of the worker to their place of recruitment or another agreed location, unless the worker has joined another employer or termination was due to the worker’s fault.
13. Ensuring a Safe Work Environment
Employers must provide a safe and appropriate work environment as stipulated by the law.
14. Complying with Additional Obligations
Employers must adhere to any other obligations specified under the law, its Implementing Regulation, Cabinet resolutions, or any other applicable legislation.
Employee’s Obligations Under UAE Labour Law
Employees also have obligations to follow. As an employee, you are going to find your obligations in Article (16). It outlines the duties that employees must follow to maintain a harmonious & efficient work environment. Here are the key obligations:
1. Performing Work Personally
Employees must perform their work personally under the employer’s direction and supervision as per the employment contract.
2. Upholding Good Behaviour
Employees are expected to exhibit good behaviour, honesty, and professional integrity while at work.
3. Preserving Work Tools
Employees must take care of the production means and work tools provided by the employer.
4. Maintaining Confidentiality
Employees must keep work-related information and data confidential and return any items in their custody upon the end of service.
5. Managing Documents
Employees should not keep any original papers or copies of work-related documents without the employer’s permission.
6. Following Safety Instructions
Employees must adhere to occupational safety and health instructions as per the legislation and work regulations.
7. Complying with Working Hours
Employees must work during the approved working days and hours specified in their employment contract.
8. Enhancing Skills
Employees should continuously strive to develop their skills and improve their performance for the employer.
9. Avoiding Unauthorized Work
Employees must not work for others in violation of the law and applicable legislation.
10. Vacating Employer-Provided Accommodation
Employees must vacate accommodation provided by the employer within 30 days of service termination unless otherwise agreed in writing with the employer.
11. Adhering to Additional Obligations
Employees must comply with any other obligations prescribed under the law, its Implementing Regulation, or any other applicable legislation.
The UAE Labour Law clearly defines the obligations of both employers and employees to foster a fair and productive work environment. For both employers and employees, understanding and adhering to the UAE Labour Law Obligations is crucial. Consulting with experienced Dubai lawyers can provide valuable guidance, ensuring compliance and resolving any legal issues that may arise.