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Estate Brokers 101: New Laws and Regulations

The real estate market is in constant motion, much like the ever-evolving rules that guide it. For estate brokers, staying informed isn’t just a choice; it’s a vital necessity. In pursuit of transparency and safeguarding the interests of all involved parties, the UAE government has introduced new laws. This blog takes a comprehensive dive into the obligations that brokers must uphold in today’s dynamic real estate landscape. Explore the crucial role of real estate lawyers in Dubai in ensuring compliance and understanding the intricacies of these regulations.

person holding house keys

Mandatory Reporting of Real Estate Transactions

One of the significant changes introduced is the mandatory reporting of certain real estate transactions to the UAE Financial Intelligence Unit for verification. This requirement applies to any real estate transactions involving AED 55,000 ($14,976) or more. The goal is to combat money laundering and enhance transparency in the real estate sector.

Real estate agents, brokers, and law firm in Dubai involved in such transactions are now mandated to obtain and record the necessary identification documents of the parties involved. This step ensures that all parties are properly identified and authenticated, promoting trust and transparency.

Methods of Payment

The new regulations also address the methods of payment in real estate transactions. Specifically, the following payment methods are subject to reporting requirements:

a) Single or multiple cash payments equal to or above AED 55,000.

b) Payments involving the use of virtual assets.

c) Payments where the funds used in the transaction were derived from virtual assets.

These provisions are in line with the UAE’s commitment to adopting international standards and best practices to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

Strengthening Transparency and Governance

The UAE government, in partnership with the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Justice, is dedicated to enhancing transparency and governance within the real estate sector. These efforts align with the country’s priorities of ensuring economic and financial stability while combating malpractice in the business community.

Abdulla bin Touq Al Marri, the UAE Minister of Economy, emphasizes the importance of adopting the highest standards of transparency and governance. The government, in collaboration with private sector entities, is working towards achieving these objectives.

businessman holding little house

Real Estate Brokers’ Obligations

Real estate brokers play a crucial role in facilitating real estate transactions. In Dubai, their activities are regulated by specific laws and regulations. By-Law No (85) of 2006 regarding the Regulation of Real Estate Brokers Register in the Emirate of Dubai sets out the essential features and obligations of real estate brokers.

a) Registration: Real estate brokers must obtain and maintain a trade license from the Dubai Department of Economic Development. They are also required to apply for registration in the Brokers Register maintained by the Dubai Land Department.

b) Code of Ethics: Brokers are expected to adhere to a Code of Ethics published by the Land Department. This code emphasizes honesty, trust, integrity, and respect in conducting business.

c) Record Keeping: Brokers must keep records of all transactions, including relevant documents and papers. This ensures transparency and accountability in their dealings.

d) Disclosure: Brokers must inform their clients of all details of negotiations and any information necessary for parties to make informed decisions.

e) Brokerage Fees: Brokerage fees are determined by agreement between the parties. Brokers are entitled to their fees upon signing the sale contract and its registration unless otherwise specified in the brokerage agreement.

f) Settlement of Disputes: In case of disputes related to brokerage, the Department has a Council responsible for dispute resolution. Both parties must agree to refer their dispute to the Council for arbitration.

Dubai lawyers specializing in real estate can ensure that all legal requirements are met, & further safeguarding your interests 

New Laws and Regulations for Brokers

In addition to the existing regulations, Dubai has introduced new laws and regulations aimed at further enhancing transparency and accountability among real estate brokers:

a) Mandatory Training and Certification:

 Under the new laws, real estate brokers are required to undergo mandatory training from accredited institutions in the real estate field. This training is essential for brokers to obtain and renew their licenses.

b) Professional Test: Brokers must pass a professional test administered by the Land Department. This test assesses their knowledge and competence in real estate transactions and regulations.

c) Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering Laws: Brokers are now required to be vigilant in identifying and reporting any suspicious financial activities or transactions that may be linked to money laundering or terrorist financing. Compliance with anti-money laundering laws is crucial to maintaining the integrity of the real estate sector.

 As the UAE government commits to strengthening transparency and governance in the real estate sector, investors and buyers can have greater confidence in the market.

If you require legal assistance or have questions regarding real estate transactions in Dubai, consulting with experienced Dubai lawyers is highly advisable.