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Legal Approach to IP Licensing and Tech Transfer | BSB Legal


Intellectual property (IP) is the cornerstone of innovation and economic growth in Dubai. To foster innovation, businesses often engage in IP licensing and tech transfer agreements. These agreements allow the sharing of valuable intellectual assets while ensuring that IP rights are respected. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of IP licensing and technology transfer laws in Dubai, shedding light on the relevant legislation, procedures, and the significance of these agreements.

Understanding IP Licensing and Technology Transfer

1. What is IP Licensing and Technology Transfer?

IP licensing involves granting permission to another party to use, produce, or distribute intellectual property in exchange for specified terms, such as royalties. On the other hand, technology transfer entails the transfer of knowledge, technical know-how, or expertise related to IP from one party to another, often with the goal of enhancing the recipient’s capabilities.

2. The Role of UAE Federal Law

In the UAE, Federal Law No. 7 of 2002 concerning Copyrights and Neighbouring Rights is a fundamental piece of legislation that governs copyright protection, which is an essential aspect of IP licensing. It recognizes the rights of IP owners and sets the stage for licensing negotiations.

3. The Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED)

The DED plays a vital role in the regulation of economic activities in Dubai. It oversees licensing and commercial registration processes. Businesses engaging in IP licensing and technology transfer should adhere to the DED’s requirements.

4. Registration of Licensing Agreements

Dubai businesses often opt to register their IP licensing agreements with the Ministry of Economy. While registration is not mandatory, it provides legal recognition, facilitating dispute resolution and enforcement.

Challenges and Considerations

1. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

When drafting IP licensing and technology transfer agreements, parties must specify the governing law and jurisdiction. This is critical for resolving disputes and enforcing agreements.

2. Intellectual Property Rights Protection

IP rights in Dubai, including trademarks, patents, and copyrights, are protected under the UAE’s federal laws. Licensees and technology transfer recipients must respect these rights and avoid infringing on the IP owner’s assets.

3. Anti-Competitive Behaviour

Competition law in Dubai, particularly the Federal Law No. 4 of 2012 concerning Competition Regulation, must be considered in IP licensing agreements. Parties should be cautious not to engage in anti-competitive practices.

4. Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

Agreements should include provisions for dispute resolution. Arbitration is often favoured in Dubai, and the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC) is a reputable institution for IP-related disputes.


IP Licensing and Tech Transfer agreements in Dubai are essential for fostering innovation and economic development. Understanding the legal framework, compliance with relevant laws, and careful drafting of agreements are vital steps in ensuring successful collaborations. While the Dubai business landscape offers opportunities for growth, businesses should approach these agreements with due diligence and respect for intellectual property rights. By doing so, they contribute to the flourishing culture of innovation in this dynamic city.

BSB Legal stands as a beacon of expertise, offering a comprehensive legal approach. Their adept lawyers and legal consultants navigate the intricate landscape, ensuring seamless transactions. With an unwavering commitment to upholding the law, they empower businesses with strategic insights and meticulous guidance. BSB Legal’s nuanced understanding of intellectual property rights fortifies every agreement, safeguarding client interests while fostering innovation. In a realm where precision matters, their team’s astute approach solidifies partnerships and propels technological advancements, establishing them as the cornerstone of trust and legality in the realm of IP licensing and tech transfer.