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Best Legal Aid Services in Dubai (UAE) | BSB Legal


Enter BSB Legal, a prominent name in the Legal Aid Services landscape. Dubai’s legal framework supports families, ensuring they have the necessary assistance in times of need. Whether dealing with family disputes, immigration issues, or contractual matters, BSB Legal stands as a reliable ally. As a beacon of support, they embody a commitment to ensuring families can thrive in this dynamic city, providing comprehensive legal aid services for a diverse expatriate community.

Legal Aid: A Pillar of Justice:

Dubai’s commitment to justice and equity is exemplified by its legal aid services. The UAE’s Federal Law No. 11 of 1992, known as the ‘Civil Procedure Law,’ is the foundation of legal aid provisions. It mandates that any individual, irrespective of their financial situation, has the right to legal representation in court.

Types of Legal Aid and Support Services for Families in Dubai:

  1. Criminal Cases:
    1. Relevant Law: Federal Law No. 35 of 1992 (UAE Criminal Procedure Law)
    1. Legal aid in criminal cases is a fundamental right for individuals in Dubai. If a family member faces criminal charges and cannot afford legal representation, the UAE’s Criminal Procedure Law ensures they are provided with a defence attorney appointed by the government. This ensures that even those with limited financial means have access to a fair and just legal process.
  2. Family Disputes:
    1. Relevant Law: Dubai Law No. 28 of 2005 (Personal Status Law)
    1. The Dubai Personal Status Law, founded on Islamic principles, governs family matters in the emirate. Legal aid services are available to help resolve issues related to marriage, divorce, child custody, and inheritance. This ensures that family disputes are adjudicated in accordance with the law, protecting the rights of family members.
  3. Financial Support:
    1. Relevant Law: UAE Federal Law No. 51 of 2006 (Legal Aid Law)
    1. Financial support in the form of legal aid is provided to families facing financial hardship. The UAE’s Legal Aid Law sets out the criteria for determining eligibility, primarily through a means test to ensure that those facing genuine financial difficulties receive assistance. This financial support can help families cover legal costs during various legal proceedings.
  4. Mediation Services:
    1. Relevant Law: Dubai Law No. 6 of 2013 (Mediation Law)
    1. Mediation is an essential service in family matters. Dubai’s Mediation Law encourages alternative dispute resolution, especially in family disputes. Legal aid services may include access to professional mediators who can help families reach amicable agreements, reducing the need for costly and time-consuming litigation.
  5. Legal Advice and Consultation:
    1. Relevant Law: Federal Law No. 23 of 2006 (Practice of Legal Consultancy Law)
    1. Families can seek legal advice and consultation from qualified lawyers. The Practice of Legal Consultancy Law in the UAE regulates the provision of legal advice. Legal aid centres often offer free consultations, helping families understand their rights and obligations in various legal matters.
  6. Education and Awareness Programs:
    1. Relevant Initiatives: Various awareness programs
    1. Legal aid services in Dubai extend beyond direct legal representation. They also include educational and awareness programs to inform families about their rights, responsibilities, and available legal resources. These programs aim to empower families to make informed decisions and access legal services when needed.

The Role of Legal Aid Centers:

Dubai hosts several legal aid centers, often operated in collaboration with non-governmental organizations and the government. These centers provide free legal advice, representation, and mediation services to families facing legal challenges.

Engaging with Legal Aid Services:

Navigating the legal system can be daunting. It’s essential for families to be aware of their rights and the available resources. The Dubai Courts website, for instance, provides information on legal aid and how to access it.


BSB Legal stands as the pinnacle of Legal Aid Services in Dubai, UAE, epitomizing excellence in law. Renowned for its unwavering commitment to justice, this legal powerhouse is a beacon for those seeking top-tier legal consultancy and representation. Manned by a team of seasoned lawyers, BSB Legal navigates the intricacies of law with finesse, offering comprehensive solutions tailored to each client’s unique needs. From adept legal consultants to courtroom virtuosos, BSB Legal delivers unparalleled expertise, ensuring clients find steadfast support in their legal journeys. Trust in BSB Legal for a harmonious blend of professionalism and dedication, where the pursuit of justice meets unmatched legal prowess.

Top of Form Dubai’s commitment to justice and support for its residents, including families, is evident through its legal aid and support services. Families facing legal challenges should never feel alone; assistance is available, ensuring that justice prevails.