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After Divorce Women’s Rights in the UAE: A Survival Guide!

You’ve finally signed the papers and your divorce is official. But now what? As an expat navigating the legal system for Women’s Rights in the UAE, you may feel overwhelmed. This guide is here to help you through this difficult transition and ensure you come out empowered. While the laws in the UAE are different, you don’t have to feel uninformed.

There are key steps you can take to understand your rights, especially those related to finances, child custody, and personal safety. Consider seeking guidance from experienced lawyers in Dubai for divorce to navigate the legal complexities with confidence.

woman holding family drawing

You have already demonstrated immense courage by taking this step; now is the time to muster your strength and resolve to build the new life you deserve. The path forward won’t always be easy, but we’re here to help you stay focused on what matters – your independence, security, and happiness. You’ve got this!


As a woman going through a divorce in the UAE, you’ll want to understand your rights to ensure you’re protected. The divorce process in the UAE can differ greatly from other countries, so educating yourself is key.

Before you start the divorce process, know that according to UAE law, you have rights to financial support and child custody. You are entitled to alimony for yourself and your children, as well as ownership of assets under your name. You also have the right to fair child custody and visitation.

Some important first steps:

Consult with a divorce lawyer to understand your rights and options fully. They can walk you through the process, file the necessary paperwork, and represent you in court.

Gather financial documents, property records, marriage contracts, and other evidence to establish your rights. This includes records for any jointly or separately owned assets like real estate, vehicles, investments, businesses, etc.

If you have children, be prepared to present a plan for custody and visitation. Courts will consider the best interests of the children above all else.

Build your support network. Connect with other women who have gone through divorce in the UAE. Join online groups and forums to ask questions and share advice. Tell close family and friends so they can offer emotional support.

Going through a divorce is difficult no matter where you are in the world. But by understanding your rights and taking the necessary steps to protect yourself and your children, you can feel empowered during this challenging transition. The UAE legal system aims to be fair and just, so don’t hesitate to pursue what you are owed under the law. With the right knowledge and support, you will make it through.

Financial Rights for Women After Divorce in the UAE

As a divorced woman in the UAE, you have certain financial rights you should be aware of.

First, you are entitled to monetary compensation during the iddah period, which typically lasts four months and ten days. This includes housing and living expenses to be paid by your ex-husband.

You also have a right to mahr, the mandatory marriage gift, if it was stipulated in your marriage contract. The mahr amount is negotiated before marriage and once divorced, that full amount must be paid to you.

If you have children, you are entitled to financial maintenance for them until they reach maturity. This includes essentials like housing, food, clothing, medical care and education. The amount will be determined based on your ex-husband’s financial means.

Finally, if you were previously employed but gave up your job for the marriage, you may be entitled to compensation for potential lost earnings. The court will consider factors like your qualifications, experience, age, and time out of the workforce.

As a woman in the UAE, you have rights after divorce. Educate yourself and don’t hesitate to pursue what is legally and rightfully yours. Your financial independence and security are at stake, so make them a priority. With perseverance and courage, you can build a new life on your terms.

Custody Rights for Mothers in the UAE Post-Divorce

As a newly divorced woman in the UAE, one of your top concerns will be securing custody of your children. The good news is, that Sharia law generally favors mothers in custody disputes, especially for young children.

Under UAE law, divorced women have the right to custody of sons until age 9 and daughters until age 11. After these ages, custody may transfer to the father or another male guardian. However, courts will consider the best interests of the child. If you can show that awarding you custody is in the best interests of your kids, especially if their father is unfit or unwilling to care for them, you have a strong case.

To strengthen your claim to custody, demonstrate that you can provide a stable environment for your children. Highlight the close bond you share and your role as their primary caregiver. Provide financial records showing you can support them financially without their father. The court will evaluate both parents’ living situations, income, and character.

While the legal system may initially seem stacked against you, many women have successfully gained full custody of their children after divorce in the UAE. With perseverance and the right legal counsel, you have a fighting chance. Know your rights, build your case, and don’t give up hope!

People discussing divorce

As a divorced woman in the UAE, you have certain legal protections and resources available to you.

Alimony and Child Support

According to UAE law, divorced women are entitled to financial support from their ex-husbands, including alimony for living expenses and child support. The court will determine the amount based on various factors like the husband’s income, the wife’s financial needs, and the standard of living during marriage.

Custody and Visitation

Mothers are usually granted custody of young children after divorce in the UAE. Fathers still have the right to visitation, which the court will establish. Custody rulings aim to serve the best interests of the child.

Division of Assets

UAE courts will divide marital assets like the home, car, bank accounts, and other property between the divorced spouses. The wife is entitled to assets she brought into the marriage as well as a share of assets acquired during the marriage.

Seek advice from a lawyer who specializes in family and divorce law. They can advise you on your rights, help negotiate a settlement, and represent you in court. Some lawyers offer discounted or free initial consultations for women in need.

Social Services

Various government agencies and non-profits in the UAE provide social services for divorced women like counseling, job placement assistance, financial literacy education, and more. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help and support. You deserve to live free from harm.

The UAE aims to protect women’s rights, even after marriage. Make sure you understand your full legal rights and entitlements as a divorced woman—and don’t be afraid to pursue them. There are resources to help you through this difficult transition. You’ve got this!

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In the pursuit of advancing Women’s Rights in the UAE, BSB Legal stands as a beacon of progress and empowerment. With a steadfast commitment to gender equality and justice, our brand has continually advocated for women’s rights and has played an essential role in shaping a more inclusive and equitable society.

BSB Legal firmly believes that progress in women’s rights is fundamental to the broader development of the UAE. Our team of dedicated legal experts tirelessly champions for women’s rights through comprehensive legal support, advocating for gender parity in various aspects of life. We work closely with women to ensure that their voices are heard, their concerns addressed, and their rights protected.